User-agent: * Allow: /. Would Like To Be A Yummy Mummy: PR/ Contact

PR/ Contact

If you are a PR or Company based in the UK, interested in me reviewing a product, hosting a giveaway, writing a sponsored post, adding an advertisement to my blog or attending an event, please contact me by email. Friendly and approachable, I am always happy to discuss your ideas:

You might be interested to know I have two gorgeous little girls who are willing and ready to help.  Poppy (aged 3) and Rosie (aged 1)

I am happy to review anything that is relevant to my family and page.  This means products for girls aged 1 and 3 years, their Mummy or their Daddy (mid-thirties)

When I do reviews, I always throw myself into it 100%  no matter how big or small an item is

I will always be honest and the views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. 

I like to keep things fresh and mix it up a bit so you will always find original photos and video footage. I have no problems with including these in my reviews

I include links as requested

I always share my posts with my growing social media network (twitter and facebook)

When writing reviews and sponsored posts I will always make it clear.

I am a supporter of the “British Mummy Bloggers Do It With Integrity” campaign


Please see my Review Page for previous reviews.  I have tested everything from Nappy balm to furniture and toys.

Twitter id: @wouldliketobe