This is a lovely way to keep a journal and I have decided to keep them all in one place on this page.
Feel free to join each week.
Karen x
Week 13 - Monday 9th April
Its been a busy and hectic week this week.
Monday - Easter holidays so no School. Mum and Dad were still here so we had a quiet morning and then headed over to the park in the afternoon. Poppy had a hair cut too and was very well behaved:
Tuesday - Mum and Dad went home today so I took the girls to Totness for a bit of shopping and to distract them. We stopped off for lunch and the girls were very well behaved, they received lots of comments from other shoppers aahhh!
Wednesday - We headed over to Dartmouth and went to a toddler group at Husbands work in the morning. It was lovely to see everyone and catch up on the gossip, then we enjoyed a quiet afternoon.
Thursday - Was a horrible day..the girls were both so wingy and demanding and I was ready for them to go to bed. We did have a few nice minutes though, like when we did some painting and made Rice Krispie Easter cakes:
Friday - Daddy finished work early today so we headed off to the new park in Paignton. It looked lovely but packed full of older children (teenagers) and Husband and I didn't like the look of it. Instead we headed off to a quieter beach on the way home where we enjoyed a lovely walk in the fresh air and an ice cream too. Mummy also spotted these lollipops with the girls names on but didn't buy them:
Saturday - We took the girls swimming today which was great fun. Rosie found her confidence today and didn't want to get out. We then stopped off to buy a new microwave as ours had blown up and some new shoes for Poppy. Her other ones aren't that old but have stretched out of shape. She was more than happy with these new ones though:
Sunday - Easter day! We enjoyed a lovely Easter egg hunt in the morning:
Then we chatted to various family members on the phone and skype and enjoyed a yummy roast dinner cooked by Husband. Rosie was a bit wingy again today and was up last night, we think she has another tooth coming...poor little thing has suffered really badly with everyone!
Later on I used Husbands Mac to do a vlog toy review I have been working on. I remembered how much I loved his Mac and didn't want to give it back!!
All in all a lovely week.
Karen x
Week 12 - Monday 2nd April
Another Week has whizzed past and now it's the Easter Holidays already. Honestly it feels as though half term wasn't five minutes again.
Monday - I can't remember much about Monday except that Husband was working away so it was just the girls and me tonight.
Tuesday - A quiet morning followed by a friend coming around for coffee with her Son and then on to the Toddler Group. A lovely afternoon where I also received an Easter egg as a lovely surprise:
Once home though, the girls become increasingly grumpy and irritable and I began to develop a headache. Luckily Husband walked in with these gorgeous chocolates just before bath time which really cheered us all up:
Wednesday - My Dad came to visit today as he is recovering after having an operation on his hand. He's staying almost a week and Mum will be down to join him at the weekend and take him home. The girls were so excited as they idolise him....they also love his ipad which is full of games and stories for them:
Thursday - Today we went to a chick party at Poppy's School, where we met chicks who were 4 days old:
I was really excited to get to hold one myself and must admit they were very cute. Poppy was thrilled to show me all she had learnt about them.
Later we made some lovely cakes for my family we are seeing tomorrow. Rosie particularly enjoyed this and wanted to do it by herself rather than with Poppy:.
Friday - was a lovely day. I took my Dad and the girls to visit my Grandma and other members of the family. Unfortunately we took a very long detour to get there but it was a lovely day. We enjoyed lunch in a pub by the sea front and the girls particularly enjoyed playing with my Cousins Daughter. It was lovely to see them play together. I think it made my Grandmas day too.
Saturday - after a late night last night we enjoyed a lovely relaxing lie in and breakfast in bed this morning. Poppy didn't want to do a lot today so we made some cakes in honour of Mum coming to join us this afternoon.
Sunday - was a lovely day. We had a dawdle round the shops, the water front and ended up in the Harvester for lunch. The girls especially enjoyed the very naughty pudding we enjoyed:
Quite a busy week really!
Karen x
Week 11 - Monday 26th March
Another week has gone and Spring is officially here. The weather has improved and we have all been enjoying it.
Monday - was a bit of a quiet one. Usual day at home with Rosie but also started to sort through some of the baby stuff...very exciting!
Tuesday - Toddler group at the School. It is working really well with Poppy staying for lunch, everyone is happier and a little less tired.
Wednesday - Was supposed to be going to a toddler group but Husband had the car so couldn't go ;-(. the weather was lovely though so Rosie got to play outside.
Thursday - a trip to Sainsburys this morning reminded me why I usually have it delivered. I seemed to run round all day and it was a busy hectic one.
Friday - Usual music group this morning and then this afternoon my friend from uni came to stay :-). I haven't seen her in years and she had not yet met the girls so it was lovely. Husband came home from work early so whilst he looked after the girls I took her her out for a quick walk around to show her around the village. The girls took to her straight away, especially as she brought them some gorgeous presents.
Saturday - The weather was lovely so after Poppy's ballet lesson we headed off to the beach for a picnic! It was great to be out in the fresh air and the girls really enjoyed splashing around. They loved having Nics to stay, especially Poppy who got so wet chasing her around, she stripped off to her knickers! Luckily Nics had a spare top so we made it into a dress for her. I got a bit burnt on one arm but it had faded by the next day. I also enjoyed the 99 ice cream we had in the park!
Sunday - Nicky had to go home today and we were all sorry to see her go. To cheer ourselves up we headed off to the pool which was great fun. It was then a quick lunch stop before we had to get home because Husband had to go to work. We won't see him until Tuesday now :-(
Here's our week in pictures:
Hope you all enjoyed a lovely week too.
Karen x
Week 10 - Monday 19th March
Wow another week has sped past and we are now half way through March. I know I say it every week but this year is going so quickly.
Monday - Poppy went off to Preschool today all excited in her new Summer dress. I cant remember much else about this day so it couldn't have been that interesting!
Tuesday - Rosie and I enjoyed a lovely lazy morning at home whilst Poppy was at Preschool. Then we went down to join her for the toddler group where we all enjoyed ourselves. Due to my increasing back ache and struggle with the School run, Poppy had a packed lunch rather than coming home in between. This worked really well.
Wednesday - Still without a car we couldn't do a lot but Rosie and I enjoyed a lovely morning at home. She had me singing and playing, reading stories and helping her dress up.
Thursday - Husband managed to pick the car up today so we decided to go to my parents tomorrow for the weekend. I was really excited as not seen them in absolutely ages. Poppy and I also made some more of our lovely chocolates and gift wrapped them in a box for Grandma for Mothers Day.
Friday - We went to our usual music group in the morning which was great fun. Then about 4ish headed off to Nanny and Gramps for the weekend. My Nana was there too so it was a full house but lovely to see everyone.
Saturday - I got to go shopping!! It was lovely. Husband and I got to leave the girls and go into town for a bit. We had recently been given a bit of money to treat the girls and I also wanted to buy the new baby something. I managed to buy lots including almost matching dresses for all three cute:
They are going to look adorable!
Sunday - was Mothers Day. It was so lovely to spend it with both my Mum and my Nana. Mum was thrilled with her Family photos frame we had made her . She also got sent some yummy Thorntons chocolates form Find Me A Gift in return for a post I had written about her. We helped make a small dent in the huge box she received.
I was thrilled to receive all of these:
The girls really enjoyed being able to play in Nanny and Gramp's garden and tree house, whilst Husband and I planted a new Plum and apple tree for my parents. They already have a pear tree so it will be lovely when they have grown.
It really was a relaxing, enjoyable weekend and we all enjoyed a delicious roast diner before heading back.
A lovely end to the week.
Karen x
Week 9 - Monday 12th March
Another week of fun in this house, this year really is flying by.
Monday - A lovely usual Monday. Rosie and I spent the morning playing, then I cleaned whilst she napped and I even got to do some blogging too which was very nice.
Tuesday - We headed off for our 20 weeks scan this afternoon and saw our baby on screen. We were really relived to see everything was developing as it should and excited to discover we are having another little girl. Poppy was really happy and shouted out "see, I told you it didn't have a willy". Cheeky monkey.
Wednesday - Rosie and I enjoyed a lazy day at home. We were going to a toddler group but Daddy took the car. When I picked Poppy up from School this afternoon she had a croaky throat and went downhill quickly. I really struggled with the School run today and ache all over.
Thursday - After a bad night coughing last night I decided to keep Poppy off School, However, she was driving me mad running around as if nothing was wrong this morning. The car then broke down with husband in it so he was not happy and had to sort that out, whilst I went mad throwing out bags of stuff including a bin bag of toys. I think the nesting has seriously kicked in. This afternoon, Poppy went downhill and curled up in my lap and went to sleep. We enjoyed a lovely cuddle until an awful coughing fit woke her up poor thing. All in all, not a great day!
Friday - We had to walk to our music group this morning as our car is in the garage and they have lent us a little run around which the girls car seats don't fit in...not handy at all.
Luckily it was a lovely morning. When we got there however, only one person turned up. We decided it wasn't worth running so we all went for a coffee instead which was still lovely. Poppy was quite happy as it was her friend from School and we all walked home together. I struggled with pushing the Bugaboo up the hill and am not sure how on earth I am going to manage the School run as I get bigger.
Saturday - We enjoyed a leisurely morning and breakfast in bed as we didn't have to rush off to Poppy's ballet lesson. Without a car, there was no way we could get there. Once we were all up and dressed we walked over to Dartmouth,had a look around and let the girls play in the park. The weather was quite nice so we treated the girls to an ice cream from our favourite shop. We then picked up the stuff to make panini's at home which were delicious. Unfortunately I developed a migraine this afternoon which pretty much lasted 24 hours. Not nice! Luckily Husband was fab and just took over, letting me go back to bed.
Sunday - Luckily I felt much better today but without a car we couldn't go far, Husband took Poppy out on her bike for a while and then this afternoon I made some play dough with her and we made a 3d rocket picture too. We also made a yummy chocolate coconut cake....delicious. It is obvious that she is feeling much better and is ready to get back to School.
Here's our week in pictures:
So a bit of a mixed week for us, hoping the car gets fixed soon and then we are going to be on the lookout for a new one.
Karen x
Week 8 - Monday 5th March
Another week has flown by and what a lovely week it has been.
Monday was another usual Monday. Poppy went to School and Rosie and I stayed home. The weather was good so we played outside for a while and then when she napped I went right through cleaning. When Poppy got back from School we played out a bit more and it was a pretty good but quiet day.
Tuesday was a bit mixed. I had a serious wobble in the morning where I was getting really fed up and sore of carrying an increasingly clingy Rosie to School and back. It improved when we went to our usual toddler group in the afternoon though. It was lovely to see the other Mums and have a chat and Rosie was more confident today, joining in with her Sisters activities.
Wednesday, nothing much happened. Poppy went to School, Rosie napped and I actually rested and blogged instead of running around tidying and cleaning. It was lovely.
Thursday - Poppy went to School this morning dressed as a ballerina for World Book Day and then we enjoyed a lovely afternoon at home. We took her balance bike out, then we painted a little clay pot she made with her Daddy at the weekend. We even did some baking.
Friday - Was a lovely day. First we headed off to do our usual music group. One of Poppy's friends from School came for the first time and really enjoyed it. Our really good friends who moved away in the Summer also came which was lovely. Afterwards we went to lunch where we caught up on all the gossip and let the kids run wild before heading off to the park. Great fun. We all really miss them so it was great to catch up.
Saturday - We started the day with a lovely leisurely breakfast in bed. Not quite the same as it would have been pre children but lovely nevertheless:
Then Poppy had her usual ballet lesson. I took both girls and Husband stayed home to tackle the huge ironing pile, he managed to get quite a bit done. This afternoon I had some serious pampering...a pedicure and a back, neck & shoulder massage. Bliss. I was exhausted after that though so had a long bath and early night.
Sunday - I woke up feeling dreadful. We were supposed to be taking the girls to a farm today but it was raining this morning so we decided to go next weekend. Instead we had a very lazy day at home instead with a roast dinner, DVDs and all the toys out.
My week in pictures:
Karen x
Week 7 - Monday 27th February
Wow another week has gone already. This one was a little boring really as Rosie hasn't been her usual self.
Monday - Rosie has been teething and has been very clingy and wingy. I found it hard carrying her up the hill today on the School run, as she refused to walk. She slept all afternoon though so I did get to have a little rest after a huge cleaning spurt! I think the nesting has kicked in.
Tuesday - This morning Poppy was at Preschool so Rosie and I played. Then this afternoon we all went to the toddler group at the School. it was really nice to catch up with the other mums and see the girls play.
Wednesday - Think I over did it today with the nesting! Did loads more cleaning whilst Poppy was at Preschool and Rosie was napping. Tonight I had a bit of a melt down when I ached from head to toe and no-one was listening to me! Was tearful and emotional too :-(. Being pregnant is tough sometimes.
Thursday - Poppy had Preschool in the morning then this afternoon we made her Gramps some chocolates as he is going into hospital next week.
The weathers starting to warm up a little and its lovely so we also spent some time outside too. When Daddy came home we taste tested some of the chocolates and they were pretty yummy!
Oh my new maternity underwear arrived too so feel much more comfortable already:
Friday - We had our usual music group this morning which went pretty well. The girls had fun singing and dancing. Then we had to pick up a bit of shopping in Sainsburys when I spotted all these cute things I just had to have for our kitchen:
I love them and husband didn't mind that they were pink. Might have to go back for more of the range! (cant stop shopping as well as cleaning.....girl?)
Saturday - I took Poppy to her usual ballet lesson and then we sneaked of for a quick coffee/ babyccino. We bumped into one of the other Mums and Daughters on the way to the cafe so all ended up having a drink and cake together which was really nice.
During the afternoon, I headed off to the Salon to have my hair cut, leaving Husband to play with the girls. It was lovely having a little bit of child free time.This evening Husband and I cuddled up and watched a movie with chocolate which was very nice!
Sunday - Husband had to go to work this afternoon so we all enjoyed a lazy morning together. Once he left, the girls and I had fun in the garden and generally carried on being a bit lazy. It was lovely!
Rosie seems to be getting better but is still sleeping a lot....maybe making up for being up in the night last week. Fingers crossed its a more exciting week next week and that the good weather stays with us.
Karen x
Week 6 - Monday 20th February
This week has been half term and wow what a busy week we have had. We have enjoyed lazy lie ins every morning and the week has passed in a blur.
Monday Poppy asked if we could stay home today so we enjoyed a lovely lazy day. We got the paint pens out and went through a huge pile of paper and did lots of cooking. We surprised Daddy with a three course meal tonight: home made brushetta (we even made the bread ourselves), tomato and chilli pasta and a delicious home made trifle for pudding. It went down well with all of us.
Tuesday It was Valentines Day and Husband woke me up really early with a lovely card and box of chocolates. It was a nice start to the day.
It was quite bright this morning so we decided to get all the outside toys out. The girls helped me wash them all down and then we played until I decided it was too cold. The girls were having so much fun with their little slide that I felt awful bringing them in so brought the slide inside too, much to their amusement.
During the afternoon we baked Daddy some Valentines cupcakes which went down well.
Wednesday Husband had the morning off work today so we decided to go to the beach. It was dry but cold so we only stayed a while, the girls had great fun though. Poppy enjoyed collecting lots of stones in her bucket and throwing them in the sea whilst Rosie enjoyed filling her bucket with sand.
Thursday The girls both had to have some injections this morning which wasn't nice. During the afternoon both were quite wingy and by the evening Rosie was really unwell. Not a good day!
Friday Husband had the day off work today which was a lovely bonus. We all enjoyed a lovely lie in and Daddy even went and got milk for the girls and coffee for us adults so we could stay in bed a little longer....bliss.
We did plan on going shopping and getting a few bits we needed but by the time we got to town we were hungry. We ended up enjoying pizza hut for lunch, after which the girls were tired and wanted to come home so we did. I ended up doing my shopping on-line and we all enjoyed a relaxing afternoon which included painting and play dough..
Saturday Rosie really wasn't well so we stayed home. She just wanted to be attached to me which meant lots of sitting down and cuddling her. I ended up putting some DVDs on and just chilling which was quite nice really.
When Rosie was down for her long nap, Poppy and I did some cooking and jigsaw puzzles. Then when Rosie got up she joined in. We made a really yummy tea:
Sunday Husband had to work today so the girls and I headed off to the park. We all had great fun and even met up with some other Mums and children we know.
Rosie still wasn't well so we headed home for lunch and her afternoon nap. Whilst she was sleeping Poppy and I made soup, bread and cheesecake for tea....delicious!
Over all the week has passed in a blur of cooking, painting and play dough. I think we might need to cut back a bit on puddings as we have over indulged a bit but it has been great fun and Poppy has enjoyed herself.
Back to normality though next week.
Week Five - Monday 13th February
Another full and busy week in our house, I cannot believe we are half way through February already.
Monday was a usual Monday. Poppy went to School all day and I spent the morning playing with Rosie.
Then whilst she napped I cleaned! Although I clean everyday (sometimes 2-3 times), its the day I go right through top to bottom and I felt really good afterwards.
Tuesday we went to the usual toddler group at the School. I love catching up with the other Mums there and the girls had great fun making Valentines cards for their Daddy (shsshh don't tell him though).
Wednesday was an awful day. I woke up with a terrible migraine and vomited. I have no idea how I got Poppy to School but I did. Luckily she was there all day which meant when Rosie napped so did I ...a lovely 3 hours later I felt slightly better!
Thursday - Poppy went to School in the morning where they went on a "bear hunt" down to the creek. She was full of it when she got back, so excited that she had spotted a cuddly black teddy bear. They have been reading the book at school and as part of the project made binoculars and maps to take with them. They were supposed to have a teddy bears picnic too but it was far too cold.
During the afternoon she was really tired so we cuddled up on the sofa and watched Disney films.
Friday we headed off for the usual music group. Unfortunately only 1 Mum and their little one turned up so we didn't run it after all. I wasn't surprised though as it was really wet and soggy. We had a little chat and let the children play for a bit before leaving though. The girls and I headed back then and enjoyed making Daddy a cake as a surprise.:
Saturday started off with the usual ballet lesson:
which went really well. Then we all headed over to Totnes to pick up the pottery goodies we painted last week. Poppy was over the moon with her little frog:
He now proudly sits on the fireplace where she keeps going to have a look at him and check he is safely out of Rosie's reach.
After that we had a wonder around Dartington where there were some gorgeous craft and toy shops. It was lovely but a bit cold so we stopped for some lunch before heading home.
Sunday was a lovely lazy day. It started off with a little lie in followed by breakfast in our bed for all of us. Poppy came in at 8am and I went and got Rosie whilst Daddy went off to make us all toasted bagels, tea for us adults and warm milk for the girls. We put Cbeebies on which meant we got to stay in bed a little longer..bliss.
Later when Rosie was down for her afternoon nap, I took Poppy out. We stopped for a drink and I enjoyed this lovely hot chocolate:
Poppy took one look at it and said "wow Mummy, that's the biggest babyccino ive ever seen". Such a cutie. We enjoyed a lovely wonder around the shops and ended up in our favourite toy shop where I treated the girls to a little pressie each:
They felt totally spoilt and I enjoyed treating them. When we got back Husband cooked a lovely roast dinner which we all enjoyed.
Overall a lovely week.
Karen x
It started off as usual on Monday. Poppy went to Preschool all day whilst Rosie and I had a day at home. Whilst she was napping I did all the usual cleaning and felt quite good.
Tuesday we headed off to our usual toddler group at the School. Poppy decided she wanted to make cakes for everyone so we rushed around to make these before we left. They did go down well though.
Wednesday Poppy was at Preschool all day so I took Rosie to a toddler group at husbands work. it was really nice as there were a few of the other wives I hadn't seen for ages. Rosie got to play whilst I got to chat and drink coffee. Husband even popped down to see us which was lovely.
We were out all morning and Rosie stayed dry again. She even used the toilet twice. I was so proud of her! She really has done well with toilet training.
Thursday was a bit of a write off. Both Rosie and Husband were really poorly. To be honest Rosie hadn't been right for a few days but I had thought she was teething...turns out she wasn't. She developed a really nasty cough as well as an upset tummy and was generally pretty poorly. We even had to cancel Poppy's friend coming over to play this afternoon so she wasn't happy.
Despite being ill, having puffy eyes/nose and a nasty cough we managed to get this very cute picture of her:
Friday morning the girls seemed ok so we headed off to run our usual toddler music group. It was pretty busy and it was nice to see a friend with her little boy who hadn't been for a while and a new Mum too. I am really enjoying running the group.
By the afternoon, though Poppy, Rosie and I were all poorly. Rosie went to bed for 3 hours whilst Poppy and I curled up and watched the Disney film Tangled! Her idea and what a good one. We were all in bed at 6.30pm.
Saturday and everyone felt a little better so we decided to get out and do family things. It started off with Poppy's ballet lesson where she wore her new tutu. I took lots of photos and a little video too:
We then had a quick stop at Sainburys where I treated her to a lovely babyccino. Then later that afternoon we headed off to China blue in Totnes where we did some pottery painting. It was a lovely day out:

Sunday was a very relaxing day and we did absolutely was lovely! None of us have been right all week so it was lovely to just have a relaxing family day. Husband did get his camera out though and gave me my first little lesson on using it, this was on of my first photos and I was quite proud of it:
Hoping this week we are all much better.
Karen x
Week Three - Monday 30th January
Wow, the weeks really are flying by at the moment so I am so pleased I decided to join in with this fabulous linky. With my ever increasing baby brain its nice to be able to look back and remember what we got up too.
On Tuesday we skipped the usual toddler group and headed off to visit friends we haven't seen in ages. We were supposed to be meeting in the park but as it was so wet we went to her house instead and another friend turned up too. It was lovely for me to catch up with them and have a girly chat but it was lovely for Poppy too as she got to see two of her friends she hasn't seen since before Christmas.
Thursday afternoons have once again become Mummy/ Poppy time whilst Rosie naps. On this day we did baking and produced all of these delicious looking cupcakes and cookies:
Poppy is once again thriving with the attention so I am so glad we have reintroduced this special time.
Also the girls new shoes arrived and they loved them.
Before I knew it, it was Friday again. Today was an extra special day as I had officially been blogging for one year!
It was also time for another music group. I think it went pretty well and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. As Rosie has been toilet trained for 3 weeks, I dared to leave her nappy off and took her little toilet seat out instead. I was really impressed when she went for a big wee before the group started and as soon as it finished! She really has done well bless her. Despite being out for 3 hours in accidents! I think I can safely say she really is toilet trained.
Saturday was a busy day. We had Poppy's usual ballet lesson first but then had to rush off to buy a present as Poppy had been invited to a party today on Thursday and we hadn't had a chance to go beforehand. Then it was the party in the afternoon which was held at a soft play area. She enjoyed it but by the end of the day became unwell and very whingy. I was left feeling tired as well as a little hard done by and unappreciated.
Sunday was a very lazy day indeed. Poor Poppy was not well at all and wanted to be cuddled up most of the day on the sofa and have lots of cuddles. Obviously I had to join her, give her the required hugs and keep her warm and cosy...being pregnant it was quite nice to have a rest and we even managed to watch Ella Enchanted! Lovely. Oh and Rosie is 19 months old grown up!
Heres to another happy week and hope my little girl feels much better.
Karen x
Week Two - Monday 23rd January 2012
Another week has flown by and its that time to recap. Its been a bit of a mixed one really with highs and lows and quite a few toddler groups too.
For the first time ever we had a bit of a difficult week with Poppy crying when she went to Preschool. It started on Monday and carried on until Thursday when we managed to solve it. On that day, she ran into School telling her Teacher if she was good and din't cry she was going to make chocolate brownies.
On Tuesday afternoon I took the girls to a toddler group at the School, which we all enjoy. The girls get to play and do crafty things, I even get to join in too before having a coffee and chat with the other Mums! It really is lovely.
Wednesday I took Rosie to a toddler group at her Daddy's work. It was the first one since Christmas so was lovely to catch up with the other wives and their children. Especially the babies, if I wasn't pregnant already I think I would be broody again. I took this photo just before we went out and realised how grown up Rosie is looking lately:
Thursday Poppy and I enjoyed some quality Mummy/Poppy time whilst Rosie was napping. I realised that the getting upset at School thing was attention seeking behaviour so gave her lots of attention. We made chocolate brownies, played jigsaws and games and even did some sticking. I think it did her the world of good:
Friday we went to the music Group I now run.... Singers & Stompers! It was quite a good sized group and we all had fun. I hope it continues to go as well and that even more people come. In the afternoon I had a midwife appointment. It was a routine one filling out all the paperwork but now its all done, so next time I hope to be able to hear the babies heartbeat and stuff!
Saturday was a very quiet lazy day. Apart from Poppy's ballet lesson we did very little. It was just nice being a bit lazy to be honest and all being together.
Sunday we went to Torquay for the morning. It was pretty windy but quite warm so it was nice to walk along looking at the boats and we stopped for lunch at the Harvester where we finished off with this yummy pudding:
All in all (except for the Poppy thing) a pretty normal week.
Week One 16th January 2012
Monday - Poppy was at School all day today and Husband went back to work. Rosie and I enjoyed a lovely morning together and whilst she was napping I did lots of cleaning. Boring but needed to be done.
Tuesday - Poppy went to School in the morning and I put Rosie down for a morning nap which meant I had a bit of quiet time before taking both girls to School in the afternoon for a toddler group. The girls love it and we go every week. It was really nice for me to catch up with the other Mums too as it was the first once since Christmas. The girls enjoyed helping with a hungry caterpillar project.
Wednesday - Poppy went to School in the morning but Husband picked her up early as it was our scan this afternoon. It was lovely to see the first glimpse of baby number 3. Thankfully, all looks good so I can relax a bit now.
Thursday - We had a bit of a quiet one today. Poppy went to School in the morning but we made Raspberry jelly in the afternoon whilst her Sister was napping.
Friday - It was the first week for me running the music group we attend. It went pretty well and we all had great fun singing, dancing and banging musical instruments together. This evening I announced my pregnancy on my blog!
Saturday - Husband needed to get his eyes tested so we all went into town with him. We had a little look around and ended up having Pizza Hut for tea. The girls shared a small pizza with a face made out out ham and pineapple. I was amazed Poppy picked this as she doesn't usually like pizza opting for pasta instead but she told me she now likes "little pizzas that look like faces". It was topped off by an ice-cream factory...yummy!
Sunday - We went for a lovely walk to a lighthouse. it was a bit cold so we all wrapped up warm. Poppy had great fun jumping in puddles whilst Rosie loved looking at all the boats. We ended up with the girls having a picnic lunch in the car whilst Daddy and I shared some chips! It was a lovely family morning out and the fresh air did us all the world of good. We managed to take some nice photos too:
I am looking forward to joining in with this linky each week, it will be a great way of recording our family life.
Karen x